What are the possible complications associated with surgery on the lumbar spine?

What are the possible complications associated with surgery on the lumbar spine?

February 5, 2022

A 33-year-old male patient visits his primary care physician complaining of right buttock and right leg pain with no known injury. He is employed as a long-haul truck driver and is healthy. Upon examination by a neurosurgeon, the patient exhibits normal range of motion except when raising his right leg that causes sharp pain. The surgeon orders an MRI that shows an L4-L5 herniated disc. The patient is scheduled for a lumbar discectomy.

What are the possible complications associated with surgery on the lumbar spine?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Recurrence of symptoms even after surgery due to a weakened spine, another slipped disc, or the development of new bone or condensed ligament that exerts pressure on the spinal cord. Besides, scarring of the nerve could occur.
An infection where the opening was made could occur.
Clotting of blood in the lower extremities may result in deep vein thrombosis. This can, in turn, lead to inflammation in the leg and may even develop into a pulmonary embolism (a form of a blood clot that blocks the blood vessels in the lungs).
Tear of the tissue that covers the spinal cord and the spinal nerves (dural tear). If this issue is not identified and rectified, it can result in the leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
During lumbar decompression surgery, the patient is positioned face down. This can cause facial lesions and loss of vision, which could endure for various days.
There is also a risk of developing nerve injury and paralysis if accidental damage to the blood vessels or nerves occurs during lumbar spine surgery.
A lethal reaction to the anesthetic drugs, heavy blood loss, or blood clots during or after surgery may result in death.
Recurrence of symptoms even after surgery due to a weakened spine, another slipped disc, or the development of new bone or condensed ligament that exerts pressure on the spinal cord. Besides, scarring of the nerve could occur.
An infection where the opening was made could occur.
Clotting of blood in the lower extremities may result in deep vein thrombosis. This can, in turn, lead to inflammation in the leg and may even develop into a pulmonary embolism (a form of a blood clot that blocks the blood vessels in the lungs).

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