What do you recommend Misty do to profit more from the mentoring and leadership provided by Kaitlin?

What do you recommend Misty do to profit more from the mentoring and leadership provided by Kaitlin?

December 6, 2021

Kaitlin the New Mentor

Kaitlin is the sales manager at a lumber supply company, so successful in its geographic region that it employs 250 full-time workers and 50 part-time workers. In addition to selling lumber to builders, the company also makes steps, doors, deck material, and molding. Kurt, the CEO, asked Kaitlin if she would mentor Misty, a newly hired marketing researcher. Kurt explained to Kaitlin that the marketing research position is vital to the future of the company. He believes that the market for the company’s main product line is leveling off, and that a market researcher might be able to explore new markets and product expansion for the company.

Kaitlin said that she was eager to mentor Misty because she thinks that the new market researcher has considerable potential to help the company. Kaitlin said, “I’ve already begun mentoring Misty, and she seems receptive.” Three days later, Kaitlin met with Misty for the first mentoring session. The session included the following comments by Kaitlin:

“Misty, as your official mentor, I want you to do the following things. First, dress more professionally. It looks like you outfit yourself at stores for low-income people. I will recommend a few better stores for you in an e-mail. Second, I have a list of websites I want you to track every day. I have sent you an e-mail listing these sites because they are excellent for picking up marketing trends. Third, I want you to spend at least one day a week out in field speaking to new potential users of our products.”

Three weeks later, Kaitlin sent Misty a text message saying, “Report back to me immediately on your progress. Send me a summary of your website searches. Also, send me a few photos of any new office clothing you have bought.”

Later that day, Kaitlin sent Misty a brief text message that stated, “Remember to focus on your daily work tasks. Don’t be a dreamer.”

During lunch with Pete, the company information systems administrator, he asked Misty how she enjoyed being mentored by Kaitlin. Misty responded, “Did you say being mentored or being smothered?”

What do you recommend Misty do to profit more from the mentoring and leadership provided by Kaitlin?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Individual M, being a new employee, has to undertake lots of actions and responsibilities to accomplish the desired goals of the organization. Individual K is a formal mentor. Individual M can utilize the mentoring of Individual K in the following ways:

Individual M may indulge in direct conversation with Individual K and can pose several queries related to the job. Individual M can ask about how to track trends in the market, how to connect with the target customer, what is the format for the writing summary of the website, and many more. This one-on-one conversation can help Individual M get a better idea about the roles and responsibilities as a market researcher.
Individual M can carefully listen and note down the points that seem relevant. It includes keeping track of every website that determines various market trends, undertaking one-day field work to engage with potential customers, reporting Individual K on the progress, and focusing on the daily targets. Listening to and understanding these points can help Individual M take up responsibilities in a better manner.
Sample Response
To get benefited from the mentoring of Individual K, Individual M can undertake the following actions:

Engaging in a one-on-one conversation with Individual K
Careful listening and writing down useful points

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