What impact would there be on BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, and cost and schedule variances as a result of the:

What impact would there be on BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, and cost and schedule variances as a result of the:

November 1, 2023

What impact would there be on BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, and cost and schedule variances as a result of the:
a. Early start of an activity on a PERT chart?
b. Late start of an activity on a PERT chart?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The impact on BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled), BCWP (Budgeted Cost of Work Performed), ACWP (Actual Cost of Work Performed), and cost and schedule variances due to the early start and late start of an activity on a PERT chart would be as follows:

a. Early start of an activity on a PERT chart:

  • BCWS: If an activity starts earlier than planned, BCWS will likely be higher than expected because work is being performed ahead of schedule. This is also known as "earned value" because work has been completed earlier than anticipated.
  • BCWP: BCWP will increase because more work is being completed earlier than planned. This results in a positive cost and schedule variance.
  • ACWP: ACWP may remain relatively consistent unless there are additional costs associated with the early start.
  • Cost Variance: The cost variance would typically be positive because the actual cost (ACWP) is likely to be lower than the budgeted cost (BCWP) for work completed.
  • Schedule Variance: The schedule variance would also be positive because work is being completed ahead of schedule.

b. Late start of an activity on a PERT chart:

  • BCWS: If an activity starts later than planned, BCWS will be lower than expected because less work is being performed within the planned timeframe.
  • BCWP: BCWP will also be lower because work is being completed later than planned. This results in a negative cost and schedule variance.
  • ACWP: ACWP may remain relatively consistent unless there are additional costs associated with the late start.
  • Cost Variance: The cost variance would typically be negative because the actual cost (ACWP) is likely to be higher than the budgeted cost (BCWP) for work completed.
  • Schedule Variance: The schedule variance would also be negative because work is being completed behind schedule.
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