What is meant by damped har

What is meant by damped har

March 31, 2022

What is meant by damped harmonic motion, and what causes it?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

If the motion of an harmonic oscillator reduces in terms of amplitude and frequency due to some external factors like forces acting on the system, its motion is damped. Then, the oscillations are called damped oscillations.

If there is a gradual increase in the damping of the system i.e. if the external force is reduced slowly on the system, it will affect the frequency, time-period and amplitude of motion of the system because damping opposes the motion and slows down the motion back and forth.

If there is a very large damping applied to a system, it doesn't even oscillate or vibrate and hence, it slowly moves towards the equilibrium.

The simple pendulum's motion is an example of a damped harmonic motion.

Verified Answer
Damped harmonic motion is the periodic motion of an oscillator with gradual decrease in the amplitude and frequency due to some external factors like forces acting on the system.

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