What is organization development? Why is it undertaken by organizations?

What is organization development? Why is it undertaken by organizations?

June 26, 2021

What is organization development? Why is it undertaken by organizations?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Organizational development refers to adopting the research and behavioral science theory for operating effectively. It improves the efficiency of both the individuals and the organizations.

The benefits of adopting organization development are:

Organizational development includes the identification of the problem by analyzing six areas carefully. The areas are organizational motive, framework, reward system, help system, relationships, and leadership. It also analyzes the employees’ expertise and skills by doing the need analysis.
Intervention methods include changing an organization’s or group’s target. This forces the employees to increase their expertise and skills by undergoing the training program. So, this helps in increasing the employees’ efficiency.
After following the above step, a deep analysis of the organizational development process is done to know the effect of the various techniques used. This is done to increase organizational efficiency. This helps in ensuring the development program’s success.
Verified Answer
Organization development is a structured approach to use various programs to make an organization more successful.

Organization development is important for an organization because:

It involves a diagnosis of the problems and analyzes the needs.
It involves intervention programs to increase the employees’ efficiency
It involves monitoring organizational development.

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