What is the output of the following C++ code? (2, 5 to 6)

What is the output of the following C++ code? (2, 5 to 6)

March 9, 2022

The number in parentheses at the end of an exercise refers to the learning objective listed at the beginning of the chapter.
What is the output of the following C++ code? (2, 5 to 6)

int x = 15;

int y = 3;

if (x + y > 17 || y – x < 20) { y = x - y; x = y + x; cout << x << " " << y << " " << x + y << " " << y - x << endl; } else { x = y - x + y %5; cout << x << " " << y << " " << x - y << " " << x + y << endl; }

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


Step by Step Execution :

x: 15, y = 3

x+y : 18

y-x : -12

x + y > 17 is true. If block will execute.

y = x - y : 12

x = y + x : 27

Output x: 27 y: 12 x+y : 39 y-x :-15

27 12 39 -15

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