What issues does this Facebook incident raise about social media and the workplace: (a) from the perspective of an employee,

What issues does this Facebook incident raise about social media and the workplace: (a) from the perspective of an employee,

September 15, 2021

A few months later, she saw a Facebook posting from Hernandez to her friends that read:
Chapter DI, Section I92, Questions, Exercise 1
Shanti Williams, HR manager at a large retailer received a Facebook friend invitation from Marisa Hernandez, a senior clerk in the company’s finance department. She and Hernandez had attended the same high school several years ago and had only recently discovered they were employed at the same company. During high school, they had been in several classes together, and Williams readily remembered Hernandez. She had met Hernandez again at one of the retailer’s training programs she had launched about three weeks ago. When Williams saw the Facebook request, she quickly accepted it.

‘‘I hate my stupid boss. My new boss is a total jerk and makes each day a big pain in the xxx. He treats us finance clerks like we are his slaves. I can’t wait to leave this job because I would rather eat beans than spend another day working for a moron! Help!’’

That evening after reading the posting, Williams did not sleep very well. She wondered what action she should take as HR manager against Hernandez, if any, about what she had read in the Facebook posting.

What issues does this Facebook incident raise about social media and the workplace:

(a) from the perspective of an employee,

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


Firstly, the Facebook post introduces social media as a means of expression. That is employees can utilize social media as a framework to air their concerns regarding toxic work environments (Treem,2018).In such cases, the employees can post their concerns on mistreatment or oppression in the workplace to earn relevant sympathy and attention from relevant agenesis like labor unions. However such statements need to be regulated and posted in the most ethical way possible without sounding insulting. Thus, Marisa's sentiments need a little adjustment to affirm them as suitable expressions (positive implication).

On the other hand, the scenario renders social media as a derogatory tool thus abusive. This reveals the negative side of social media as employees can use such a forum to comment derogatory remarks that tarnish their bosses' reputation like Marisa's case (Cilliers,2017). Therefore, it portrays soil media as a drawback to the moral and ethical standards of employees.


Cilliers, F. Q. (2017). The role and effect of social media in the workplace. N. Ky. L. Rev., 40, 567.

Treem, J. W., & Leonardi, P. M. (2018). Social media use in organizations: Exploring the affordances of visibility, editability, persistence, and association. Annals of the International Communication Association, 36(1), 143-189.

There are two contrasting perspectives of social media subject to the case study as far as employee's stance is concerned. They entail social media as an expression tool and a derogatory tool which are the positive and negative viewpoints respectively.

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