What roles do “emotions” and “logic” play in the Spych approach to marketing communications?

What roles do “emotions” and “logic” play in the Spych approach to marketing communications?

June 23, 2022

What roles do “emotions” and “logic” play in the Spych approach to marketing communications?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Emotions and logic contribute to an indispensable role in Company S's IMC strategy.

The company aims examine the perceptions and feelings of customer groups and provide an ingenious portal into the psyches of these customer segments. The firm considers the emotions of its target customers when designing marketing communications.

Company S uses logical metrics and understanding of the consumer to measure the success of the campaign. It aims to create loyal customers by effectively selecting the right medium of communication.

Sample Response
Emotions and logic contribute to an indispensable role in Company S's IMC strategy.

The company aims examine the perceptions and feelings of customer groups and provide an ingenious portal into the psyches of these customer segments. The firm considers the emotions of its target customers when designing marketing communications.

Company S uses logical metrics and understanding of the consumer to measure the success of the campaign. It aims to create loyal customers by effectively selecting the right medium of communication.

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