What should be done to remove rust, corrosion, pitting, and scratches from the piston bore?

What should be done to remove rust, corrosion, pitting, and scratches from the piston bore?

September 3, 2023

What should be done to remove rust, corrosion, pitting, and scratches from the piston bore?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert




To remove rust wherein solvents will not remove honing residue from pistol bores such that bores must be rubbed out with hot soapy water and a brush or washed out in a spray cabinet using the proper detergents thus honing residue that relics on the bore surfaces might damage the rings, bearings, or other wear surfaces inside the engine such that there is minimal rust in the cylinder walls, it can possibly be removed with a fine steel wool and naval jelly, which is a chemical for rust removal and merely apply the naval jelly to the steel wool and moderately rub it up and down the bore until the rust is gone and once the rust is gone, clean and reserve the pistol bore. In addition, one of the best way to remove the rust, corrosion, for pitting, and scratches the pistol bore is through aluminum foil in which it takes a small piece of foil fold it into quarters wet it and start rubbing hence it sounds strange but it works excessive with minimal effort thus the foil is softer than the metal you are cleaning so no chance of marring the surface.

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