What should be the penalty for those who create viruses, worms, and other destructive malware? Prison time?

What should be the penalty for those who create viruses, worms, and other destructive malware? Prison time?

February 22, 2022

Information Security Community Site Activity

The Information Security Community Site is an online companion to this textbook. It contains a wide variety of tools, information, discussion boards, and other features to assist learners. Go to community.cengage.com/infosec. Sign in with the login name and password that you created in Chapter 1.

What should be the penalty for those who create viruses, worms, and other destructive malware? Prison time? Monetary fines? How should it be enforced? And would this deter attackers? Record your responses on the Community Site discussion board.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The creators of malicious programs are spreading those programs with a negative intention. These programs make victims lose their sensitive data and financial losses, even in thousands of dollars as well.

The attackers may be imposed with some huge fines. Also, if the malicious program contains a higher destructive content, jail time may also be imposed on the attacker. Though the jail time is for violent acts, the attacker may also have lead to too much stress and financial loss to the mass. That is why. jail time may also be justified. If the attacker is found spreading the malicious programs once again, the fine amount may be increased.

There should be federal laws to enforce the penalty on attackers. The government and corporate institutions should work in collaboration, to assess the loss due to these attacks and decide on a penalty. Then, the federal law should be created.

Though, all the attackers may not be scared enough to watch their behavior due to these penalties, a significant number of attackers may stop, if they were held accountable for all the losses.

Sample Response
It is advisable to pose some fines or jail for a short time period of(depending on the content) on the cybercriminals. This may discourage them from spreading any virus, worm, or equivalent malicious program. Though, just creating them may not be punishable.

To enforce these regulations, the government and corporates should agree on same penalty and federal laws.

Federal law may put some fear on the attackers and the creation of these types of malicious code may be ignored up to a level.

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