Which types of power would you rely on to implement an important decision quickly? Which types would you consider most valuable for sustaining power over the long term?

Which types of power would you rely on to implement an important decision quickly? Which types would you consider most valuable for sustaining power over the long term?

September 7, 2021

Which types of power would you rely on to implement an important decision quickly? Which types would you consider most valuable for sustaining power over the long term?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
Hard power allows compliance while soft power builds commitment.

Hard power, such as legitimate, coercive, and reward power, allows leaders to achieve their results by directly influencing the actions of followers. The downside of hard power is that it loses its impact when it is repeatedly used, which means that leaders should not always rely on it.
Soft power, such as referent and expert power, allows leaders to be recognized by their followers through their traits and characteristics. Soft power is sustainable because it focuses on establishing personal connections and developing trust among followers.
Sample Response
Legitimate power, coercive power, and reward power are more suitable for short-term problems because these allow immediate responses through compliance.

Referent power and expert power are more suitable for long-term problems because these allow leadership to be established through trust and commitment.

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