Why do you think there is so much government corruption in some developing countries? LO28.4

Why do you think there is so much government corruption in some developing countries? LO28.4

September 3, 2023

Why do you think there is so much government corruption in some developing countries? LO28.4

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The developing countries are the poor countries that are dependent on the agricultural sector and try to be more economically and socially advanced. The governments of a few developing countries are corrupted. The reasons for the corruption of the government in DVCs are given below:

Taking the foreign aids: The leaders of the government parties sometimes enjoy the foreign aids for fulfilling their self interests.
Partial behaviors: The leaders of the government act as a monopoly to provide the rights of exporting, producing, and importing a particular product. Thus the internal price level will increase and the developing countries will suffer in the foreign market. The government enterprises hire the employees on the basis of reference, not by the competition.
Low domestic price: The board of the government buys a product from the local producers at a low price and sells them at a higher price in the foreign market. Thus the earned profit will only be enjoyed by the government.
No legal step for corruption: The government itself is corrupted, so no one can take some legal steps against the corruption. Thus, the government continues the corruption.
Verified Answer
The poor countries which are trying to be more advanced socially and economically and dependent on the agricultural sectors are known as developing countries. Some developing countries have corrupted governments because of the reasons given below:

Taking the foreign aids
Partiality of government
Low domestic price
No legal step for corruption

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