With antibiotic resistance increasing (Section 12.1),

With antibiotic resistance increasing (Section 12.1),

May 1, 2022

With antibiotic resistance increasing (Section 12.1), researchers are looking for ways to reduce use of these drugs. Some cattle once fed antibiotic-laced food now receive food containing harmless bacteria that can live in the animal’s gut. The idea is that if these bacteria are in place, then harmful bacteria with the same resource needs are less likely to thrive. Explain why this idea makes sense in terms of species interactions.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
Two species of bacteria that share a common resource engage in interspecific competition.

The use of harmless bacteria in place of antibiotics takes advantage of two species interactions:

Competition between the harmful bacteria and harmless bacteria
Mutualism between the cattle and the harmless bacteria

In the first interaction, the bacteria involved share the same resources. Before the harmless bacteria are introduced to the cattle's gut, the harmful bacteria had access to all of the resources so its population could grow rapidly. Once the harmless bacteria are introduced, the available resources will be reduced because the harmless bacteria also consume the same resources. This results in the reduction of the population of the harmful bacteria. If the harmless bacteria are more efficient at taking resources, then they will outcompete the harmful bacteria.

In the second interaction, the harmless bacteria and the cattle benefit from each other. The bacteria are nourished by the cattle, and the cattle are protected from the effects of the harmful bacteria. Both species do not incur any harm in such an interaction.

Verified Answer
Harmless bacteria will compete with harmful bacteria for resources in the gut. If the harmless bacteria are better at taking resources than harmful bacteria, the population of harmful bacteria will be reduced or even eradicated.

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