Working individually or in groups, use Internet resources to find situations where company management

Working individually or in groups, use Internet resources to find situations where company management

September 3, 2023

Working individually or in groups, use Internet resources to find situations where company management and the union reached an impasse at some point during their negotiation process, but eventually resolved the impasse. Describe the issues on both sides that led to the impasse. How did they move past the impasse? What were the final outcomes?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
The impasse is a situation in which both parties cannot give a unified judgment.

In a certain company, a situation of impasse occurred when the workers asked for retirement benefits for the service while management argued that there was no clause for retirement benefits in the company policy.
This situation of the impasse was resolved by conducting mediation. A mediator was appointed. Mediator listened to the concerns of both the parties and gave a judgment to settle the issue.
The result of the mediation process was that the management of the company was asked to make changes in the company policy. Changes were made and a new clause of retirement benefits was added. This clause mentioned that all those employees working for ten years or above will be considered for the benefits.
Verified Answer
The workers demanded retirement benefits while management of the company had a policy of no retirement benefits.
The impasse was handled by the mediation process.
Retirement benefits were given to workers working for more than ten years with the company.

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