You have purchased a special monitor for your computer and the instructions tell you to make

You have purchased a special monitor for your computer and the instructions tell you to make

March 22, 2022

You have purchased a special monitor for your computer and the instructions tell you to make a minor modification to the inittab file. Where would you locate this file on a typical Linux system?

a. /var

b. /fastboot

c. /home/users

d. /etc

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

d is correct
The /etc directory contains system configuration files that are used when the computer starts and the inittab is the configuration file for the init program, which performs essential tasks when the system starts.

a is incorrect
/var is a partition that holds temporarily created files, such as files used for printing documents and log files used to record monitoring and administration data.

b is incorrect
There is no such partition as /fastboot. There is a partition called /boot that is used to store the operating system files that compose the kernel.

c is incorrect
/home is the partition that is on the home directory and provides storage space for all users' directories and /usr partition is a partition of /home partition which is used to store some or all of the non-kernel operating system programs that will be accessed by users.

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