Carry out experiments and draw conclusions based on them. Try to generate a hypothesis to explain your results.

Carry out experiments and draw conclusions based on them. Try to generate a hypothesis to explain your results.

February 23, 2022

Conceptual Challenge Problems

These rigorous, thought-provoking problems integrate conceptual learning with problem solving and are suitable for group work.

( Section 1-3 ) Suppose you are trying to get lemon juice and you have no juicer. Some people say that you can get more juice from a lemon if you roll it on a hard surface, applying pressure with the palm of your hand before you cut it and squeeze out the juice. Others claim that you will get more juice if you first heat the lemon in a microwave and then cut and squeeze it. Apply the methods of science to arrive at a technique that will give the most juice from a lemon. Carry out experiments and draw conclusions based on them. Try to generate a hypothesis to explain your results.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Some four or five lemons were taken and both the methods were applied to them and results were recorded by considering the volume of juice squeezed out. To achieve better results, experiment was repeated with more lemons.

Verified Answer
Hypothesis is that to get maximum juice the pulp of lemon should be squeezed.

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