When you connect a printer via a USB port on your Linux computer,

When you connect a printer via a USB port on your Linux computer,

March 22, 2022

When you connect a printer via a USB port on your Linux computer, which type of device special file is used to handle streams of data sent to and from the printer?

a. character special file

b. block special file

c. root device file

d. port device file

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

a is correct
An I/O device such as a USB is managed by a device special file in UNIX. This special file is of two types- character special file and block special file. Since, a USB stores bytes of data, it is handled by a character special file.

b is incorrect
Block special file handles the devices which store blocks of data such as CD/DVD drives, hard disk drives, tape drives, and other storage devices.

c is incorrect
It is not a type of file used in UNIX. The root is the parent directory or the highest level in the file system of Linux. The root file system is mounted by the kernel when the system starts.

d is incorrect
It is not a valid file in UNIX. The two most common types of device special files are the character special file and the block special file.

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