Write a one-page paper on the role of the World Bank and the International Monetary

Write a one-page paper on the role of the World Bank and the International Monetary

June 15, 2022

Write a one-page paper on the role of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in providing loans to countries. Is it important for U.S. citizens to lend money to people in other countries through such organizations? Why or why not? Be prepared to debate the value of these organizations in class.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The World bank and the IMF are the largest of development assistance. Their primary focus is to help the poor and the poorest countries. They provide monetary as well as technical assistance to the countries and help in their development. They give confidence to the economies of various countries by being their backbone.

Sample Response
Role of International Monetary Fund (IMF) :-

Provides consultation and collaboration in issues related to money
Facilitate expansion and growth of international trade
Promotes stability in exchange
Gives confidence to members by temporarily providing funds to balance the deficits.
Role of World Bank :-

Works for poverty reduction and sustainable growth in poor countries
Provides solutions to the challenges and conflicts between nations.
Provides financing for mid-income countries.
Works in best possible way to foster development.
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