Fortune’s fastest-growing companies

Fortune’s fastest-growing companies

June 19, 2022

Fortune’s fastest-growing companies. Pick a B2B company and evaluate its use of social media. By visiting its social media sites, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, how does the company use social media to communicate with its employees, customers, investors, and suppliers?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Enhances communication- By visiting various social media sites, it is evident that company S can communicate properly with all its stakeholders together. It is a famous B2B, that is, a business-to-business company running among the top leaders in the industry.
Cross-platform- The company provides a cross-platform for other businesses, regardless of the device; the team members can communicate with one another, that is, platforms such as android, ios, and mac do not have any impact on communication. It helps employees to be able to help each other and have a better working environment. Also, it helps customers as the quality of the product is provided to them. Investors and suppliers are also happy with the cross platform as it helps them to know in and out about the company.
It cuts costs on business travels- The company also helps in cutting the cost of travel. One can have the important option of having a video conference with any partners, investors, suppliers, and so on across the globe. Cutting costs helps all the employees, investors, suppliers as it manages to increase their earnings.
It enhances productivity and communication- The company also enhances productivity and helps in achieving the tasks with ease. Ease in productivity and improvement of services helps the employees in promotion, investors to earn more, suppliers to sell more, and customers to get better services and products.
High-level security authentication- In addition, security is assured by allowing only the subscribers that have been approved by an organization to be connected. This also helps all the employees, customers, investors, and suppliers as enhanced security help their data to be secured.
Sample Response
An example of company S can be taken as it helps in the following way for all its employees, customers, investors, and suppliers:

Enhances communication
It cuts costs on business travels
It enhances productivity
High-level security authentication

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