What are the primary forms of behavioral evaluations that can be used to test advertisements

What are the primary forms of behavioral evaluations that can be used to test advertisements

June 23, 2022

What are the primary forms of behavioral evaluations that can be used to test advertisements and other marketing pieces?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Behavioral evaluations count the actions of customers after being exposed to an ad to judge the effectiveness of the campaign. The primary types of behavioral analysis used to measure marketing communications are:

Sales- If an ad was effective, sales are bound to rise. It is the foremost measure used by marketers. However, sales may be affected by a host of external factors such as higher sales on weekdays or lower sales on rainy days.
Response rate- Response rates measure the clicks and customer inquiries made from a particular ad campaign with the use of microsites and codes.
Redemption rates- Firms code their coupons, premiums, and rebates to measure the redemption rates of particular campaigns. This helps them compare one campaign with another and also know the coupon redeemed belonged to which campaign.
Test markets- Firms launch their new products on a small scale to determine customer responses. It also assesses the ad, the promotions, pricing. It helps firms to understand if any changes are to be made before they start large-scale production.
Purchase simulation tests- In this, a simulated shopping experience is created and customer behavior and actions are analyzed to determine the effectiveness of the ad.
Verified Answer
The following behavioral evaluation methods can be utilized to analyze advertisement campaigns:

Response rates
Redemption rates
Test markets
Purchase simulation tests

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