ComScore is a firm that measures internet traffic and internet advertising

ComScore is a firm that measures internet traffic and internet advertising

June 23, 2022

ComScore is a firm that measures internet traffic and internet advertising. Access the website at www What services does the company offer? Describe a research project you feel this company could do successfully to assist in advertising or internet research.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Company C provides the following services:

It measures and evaluates advertising across platforms through various methods. It helps improve the performance of digital advertising campaigns.
It measures digital audiences for different types of contents. It focusses on mobile audience behavior on browsers and apps. It builds media plans by holistically evaluating media properties' display, video, and app content.
It measures and maximizes marketing effectiveness to grow businesses. It provides deep, customizable insights into the consumer research process across a wide variety of industries.
Sample Response
Company C measures audiences and advertisements across platforms. The company provides advertising and audience measurement services. It helps businesses grow by maximizing marketing effectiveness.

The company can conduct a research project on changes in patterns of advertising and media communication during the lockdown period due to the outbreak of Virus C.

The research project of Company C can look into the following:

Effective advertising and social media campaigns during the lockdown period.
Change in customer buying behavior due to the pandemic.
Change in the level of engagement in customers during the pandemic and factors behind it.
Evaluate before and after pandemic metrics for the same campaign and analyze what changed.


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