Construct a list of steps for making a cash withdrawal from an automated teller machine (ATM).

Construct a list of steps for making a cash withdrawal from an automated teller machine (ATM).

June 25, 2022

Construct a list of steps for making a cash withdrawal from an automated teller machine (ATM). Assume that the process begins at the ATM with your bank card in hand. Then, identify the potential failure points (i.e., where problems might arise in the process). For each failure point, state one potential problem.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
Automated teller machines provide banking activities to the customer.

The customer puts the card into the available machine. The black or magnetic line of the card is at the bottom.
The customer waits for the options to be displayed on the screen of the machine. The options are like withdraw cash, deposit cash, transfer cash, or other banking activity related options.
The customer selects the desired option based on the need on the screen.
The customer enters the information regarding the pin of the card and amount of money to be withdrawn or deposited into the account.
The customer either inserts the envelope of cash to be deposited into the machine or collects the cash dispensed from the machine.
The customer removes the card from the machine after the transaction is completed. The customer also collects the receipt of the transaction from the machine.

Following problems can be faced:

Problems from customers end: The customer might damage the card by inserting it in the wrong way. They could forget or enter the wrong pin, which will block their card.
Problems from machines end: The machine could be old and faulty. It could take the wrong input and deliver wrong transactions. The money dispensed could be damaged.
Problems from customer service: The customer care representative could delay the help or do not have proper instructions to guide the customer.
Verified Answer
The customer places a card into the machine.
The customer waits for options to display on the screen.
The customer selects the desired option displayed on the screen.
The customer types the necessary information on the screen.
The customer inserts the envelope for deposit of cash into the machine or collects cash from the machine.
The customer removes the card and receives a transaction receipt from the machine.
The circumstances of failure in the process:

The customer might insert the card in the wrong way that leads to damage to the card.
The machine could be old and faulty.
The customer support service is not responsive.

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