At the end of the three months, she notified Tammie to come and get it. Has Kristine lost her right (b) to revoke acceptance of the machine?

At the end of the three months, she notified Tammie to come and get it. Has Kristine lost her right (b) to revoke acceptance of the machine?

June 7, 2021

Tammie contracted with Kristine to manufacture, sell, and deliver to Kristine and put in running order a certain machine. Once Tammie had set up the machine and put it in running order, however, Kristine found it unsatisfactory and notified Tammie that she rejected the machine. She continued to use it for three months but continually complained of its defective condition. At the end of the three months, she notified Tammie to come and get it. Has Kristine lost her right (a) to reject the machine?

Tammie contracted with Kristine to manufacture, sell, and deliver to Kristine and put in running order a certain machine. Once Tammie had set up the machine and put it in running order, however, Kristine found it unsatisfactory and notified Tammie that she rejected the machine. She continued to use it for three months but continually complained of its defective condition. At the end of the three months, she notified Tammie to come and get it. Has Kristine lost her right (b) to revoke acceptance of the machine?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


In this case, Buyer K has no right in the context of the rejection of the machine. Because the Buyer K continually used the machine after sending the rejection notice, it reflects the buyer's acceptance in the context of that machine.
Therefore, Buyer K has the right to take appropriate action only in case of any damage in accordance with the warranty provisions.

Verified Answer

Yes, because Buyer K continually used the machine for three months after sending the notice of rejection of the machine. As per the rejection rule, the Buyer of the machine is not allowed to use that machine after sending the rejection notice, in the context of that machine.


Under the revocation of acceptance rule, the buyer has the right to revoke the acceptability of any specific goods, by following the required criteria for the revocation.
It includes acceptance of the goods on the basis of some specific assumption in the context of its nonconformity and non-seasonably. The value of the goods is affected by the non-conformity. But, in this case, Buyer K does not adhere to the revocation criteria.

Verified Answer

This case reflects the possibility to revoke the machine’s acceptability.
But the buyer has not fulfilled the required criteria to revoke the acceptance of the machine within a reasonable time. This is why the buyer is unable to revoke the acceptability of the machine.

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