Solved Questions

updated 2 years ago
What would you say to yourself to encourage a behavioral change?
Coursepivot February 2, 2022
Explanation A sustainable change can only happen if change occurs in the system of an individual's belief and attitude. The theories that can cause behavioral changes are health belief model (View full solution)
updated 2 years ago
Do you want to change a health behavior? If so, what stage of change are you in?
Coursepivot February 2, 2022
Explanation The primary step in bringing about healthy changes is to identify the negative health aspects and behavior. It is also very important to persevere through the stages and follow (View full solution)
updated 2 years ago
How "internal" or "external" do you rate your locus of control?
Coursepivot February 2, 2022
Explanation American psychologist Julian B. Rotter developed the concept of locus of control in 1954. Internal locus of control is associated with optimistic people striving to attain success. Since they (View full solution)
updated 2 years ago
What goal would motivate you to change?
Coursepivot February 2, 2022
Explanation The change in health behavior is shaped by a person's attitude, belief, skill, capacities, resources, rewards and motivation. All these factors are classified as follows : Predisposing factors : (View full solution)
updated 2 years ago
Some common self-affirmations are "I am strong" or "I can handle this challenge."
Coursepivot February 2, 2022
Answer Yes, by constantly stating in your mind and with your mouth that "I am strong" or "I can handle this challenge", you keep reminding yourself that you can do (View full solution)