urthermore, biochemical analysis of the lysates reveals potential kinase activity. What have you probably isolated? 

urthermore, biochemical analysis of the lysates reveals potential kinase activity. What have you probably isolated? 

December 29, 2020

Following the production of membrane extracts using the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100, you analyze the membrane lysates via mass spectrometry and note a high content of cholesterol and sphingolipids. Furthermore, biochemical analysis of the lysates reveals potential kinase activity. What have you probably isolated? 
A. porins
B. lipid droplets
C. lipid rafts
D. micelles

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


C. lipid rafts


Lipid rafts are insoluble in nonionic detergents such Triton X-100 and when sucrose gradient is applied, they can be easily separated from other membrane domains. They are enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids. Several experiments are used to assess their composition, including kinase activity and immunoprecipitation. Lysates had kinase activity, cholesterol and sphingolipids.

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